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  1. Dogma

    Базовый пакет - набор кистей для Procreate

    Набор кистей Procreate: Базовый пакет. (Procreate Brush Set: Essential Pack). Это мой самый ПЕРВЫЙ набор кистей для использования в Procreate, это ВСЕ кисти, которые я настроила и накопила за годы, прошедшие с тех пор, как эта функция стала доступна в Procreate. Это 20 кистей, которые я...
  2. Dogma

    Spray & Hatch Procreate Brushes

    What would happen if you took an aerosol spray can and filled it with pencil flakes? Drop the guessing and start drawing with the pencil Procreate brushes, created with sprayed and hatch strokes. Consider any shading for your illustrations covered by this humble collection of drawing tools. The...
  3. Dogma

    Sketch & Pencil Procreate Brushes

    The pack of essentials is coming through! Be ready to catch the selection of pencil texture Procreate brushes, repeating the graphite strokes on paper just as real materials do. One more set to your toolbox means more illustrations to come up with! Enjoy the pleasant workflow without having to...

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